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    关于2013武汉英语模拟电工培训班及参考电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
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            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2013-3-28 14:24:01

                37. ---Excuse me, Mr. Gao! Have you seen Tony anywhere?
                ---Yes. It was a few minutes ago that he ______ here.
                A. climbed up  B. got up       C. showed up     D. ate up
                38. ---When did the Green family arrive _________ Shanghai?
                ---They got there __________ the afternoon of May 2nd.
                A. in; in     B. in; on    C. at; in      D. at; on
                39. ---Listen! Someone is singing in the music room. It __________ be Jim. He practices singing there every day.
                ---It _____________ be him. He has gone to Beijing.
                A. can; can’t         B. must; may not      C. must; can’t        D. may; may no
                40.There are many people downstairs. What do you think __________?
                A .to happen         B. happening     C is happened      D. has happened
                电工培训学费多少,下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、 B、 C、D 个选项电工培训学校,,选出个最佳电工考证培训。
                On my son’s 6th birthday, my friend sent him a snooze (小睡) alarm clock. It can play beautiful music and go off several times to wake up people who are lazy and would like to sleep more. My son didn't (41) it. He just liked it and put it by his bed.
                I thought the clock was helpful to my husband more than my 6-year-old son, but he wanted to have it. He has (42) loved music since he was a little kid, and he said that the clock could play the music that he (43).
                And he loves having an alarm. He has always taken the (44) of getting his sister, and himself, to go to school early. He wants to be early, so he'll have more time to play (45) class starts. He barks at his sister to (46) up, and now the alarm clock has allowed him to make sure we are all (47) early.
                The first night, by asking his dad for help, my son set the alarm for 7 a.m. The next morning, it rang. He got up (48) and woke his sister up. But then it rang again 5 minutes later.
                My son couldn't understand it. “Why does it (49) going off every 5 minutes?” he asked.
                That was when I (50) the job of a snooze alarm. He still didn't understand it. “(51) would anyone not want to get up when they are supposed to?” he asked.
                I was thinking—wouldn't it be great to be a (52) again and just jump out of bed on time, rather than pull the (53) over your head and forget about the world? But I just told him that sometimes people want (54) time to sleep.
                “That’s no good,” he said. “Just wait,” I thought, “you'll get it soon enough.” But I said (55). Then I taught him how to press the off button (按钮) to make the clock stop.
                41.A. designB. understandC. experienceD. bother
                42.A. alwaysB. neverC. sometimesD. usually
                43.A. donatedB. preferredC. coachedD. ranked
                44.A. studyB. equipmentC. panicD. job
                45.A. beforeB. duringC. whenD. after
                46.A. cleanB. callC. setD. hurry
                47.A. aloneB. aliveC. awakeD. asleep
                48.A. exactlyB. peacefullyC. excitedlyD. differently
                49.A. keepB. finishC. enjoyD. consider
                50.A. realizedB. translatedC. establishedD. explained
                51.A. WhenB. WhyC. WhereD. What
                52.A. directorB. listenerC. kid D. fool
                53.A. quiltB. tieC. hatD. suit
                54.A. little  B. noC. lessD. more
                55.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing
                Here is my daughter with her missing tooth. My daughter finally lost her first tooth. She's been waiting for this moment for, well, more than a year.
                Most of the kids in her first-grade class have lost not only one tooth, but several. But my daughter kept waiting impatiently.
                Then, she finally got a loose (松的) tooth, and I've hardly ever seen my daughter so happy—except on Christmas, Children’s Day or her birthday. Last Friday night, she was eating an apple, and the tooth started to become loose. Minutes later, my daughter cheered with excitement. The tooth was out!
                I cleaned it off and put it under her pillow (枕头). When she went to bed that night, my daughter wondered, “Will the tooth fairy (牙仙) let me keep the tooth?” I told her she might and she'd have to wait and see.
                The tooth fairy comes from an ancient legend. It’s believed that when a kid loses his first tooth and puts it under his pillow, the tooth fairy will come to visit him after he falls asleep. If the tooth fairy sees the kid and loves him very much, she will leave some money under his pillow without taking away the tooth. If she doesn’t think the kid is lovely enough, she will still leave some money but take the tooth away.
                And then I put a dollar in the envelope so that I'd remember to put it under my daughter's pillow after she was safely asleep. However, I forgot. Luckily, her dear dad remembered.
                56. How many of the following things make the writer’s daughter happy?
                a. Christmas; b. Children’s Day; c. her birthday; d. the missing tooth.
                A. One.         B. Two.          C. Three.     D. Four.

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