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    招生对象: 初中生、高中生、大学生、社会青年电子爱好者都可以报名入学。没有文化程度限制,没有年龄限制,没有地域限制。




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    关于2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
    湖南阳光电子学校有自己的教学楼、学员公寓楼、篮球场(2个)、有校内花园、有专业实操车间。如果您想了解2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 学费多少、2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程学习效果如何、2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 行业就业前景好不好、如何选择2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 的课程、2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 要学多久、2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 教学大纲是什么、没有任何基础参加2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 能不能学会、2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 学完以后能不能安排工作等一系列您所关心的问题,都可以直接加我们的微信:YP941688 ,或者加我们的QQ:873219118,361928696。也可以直接电话联系我们:0731-85579057,0731-85569651,13807313137进行咨询,我们将给你最详细的解答。 湖南阳光电子学校地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区车站南路红花坡路口(红花坡路176号)。为了确保教学质量,其他地方不设分校,欢迎您来湖南长沙我校总部学习。 如果您对湖南阳光电子学校开设的2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程内容有什么好的建议,请告诉我们。您的宝贵建议对我们合理调整2012年山西英语电工培训班电工培训学校,及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程内容有重要的参考作用!






            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2012-8-31

            第Ⅱ卷   (共45电工培训学校,)
              Name:John Sex:Male Nationality:American
              Who he came to China with:With his 61.parents  working in a bank.
              What he is like:He is healthy,hard-workin9,62.helpful  and friendly.
              What he often does:    ·He helps kids pronounce English words 63.properly.   ·He helps the old cross the streets.   ·He gives his seats to the women with babies.   ·He sometimes picks up 64.  rubbish  in the park.
              Why he wants to join the club:  ·He Can 65.offer more help to others.   ·He wants to make more friends.
              ( Da Wei comes across Li Lei, who is studying, in the school library. )
              A: Hi, Li Lei. Are you busy with your homework now?
              B : Oh, yeah, Da Wei. And you?
              A: I'm here for a book. Hey, Li Lei. Have a break! We should be outside in the fresh air. It's good for us.
              B: Sorry, I can't.  66   I must hand it. in tomorrow.
              A: Oh, I see. But we can't always stay indoors.  We must often take exercise.  67
              B: Never.  I hardly have time now.  A sea of homework almost takes up all my free time.  It's sad but that's life. 68
              A: You mean my life? In fact, I'm also very busy like you. But you know I like sports.  69   When ever I have a little time, I will try them.
              B: No wonder you are so energetic.
              A :Yeah, better health, better grades.  70
              B :Yes, you are right.  It sounds as if should also try to exercise often in the future.  Da Wei, shall we play basketball for a while now?
              A : OK. Let's go !
              A. How about your life?
              B. I like jumping, running, playing basketball and so on.
              C. Why not walk in the fresh air?
              D. How often do you exercise?
              E.. Do you agree with me?
              F. I have to finish my homework first.
              G. Sounds like great fun!
              66.   F       67.   D       68.    A       69.    B         70.    E
              Welcome to Youth Radio, your radio.  Here we're proud to introduce three Amazing Kids.
              Gina, who is thirteen years old, got first prize in the "Young Cook of the Year" competition and she wants to write a recipe book for kids. "I want it to be fun to read and easy enough for children to use," she says. Gina learned by watching her father, who's also good at cooking, in the kitchen.  She wants to encourage other children to cook because "everyone needs to eat so it's a skill that will always be useful!"
              Seventeen-year-old Brian used to love running until he was hurt in a serious accident three years ago. He lost part of one leg and didn't even expect to walk again. Now he's an athlete who has recently taken part in a long race.  "After my accident I wanted to give up," he says. "But now I'm happy to be alive and able to continue running."
              Helen has always been good at science, but she thought it was too difficult to become an inventor. Then she heard about an accident that had happened when a car hit a train in her town.  "That gave me an idea," says the clever sixteen-year-old. It took her over a year to invent a small special machine that tells car .drivers when a train is coming. One company is already interested in selling it, so it may be in he shops soon!  sp.hnygpx.net/wz_index.php?
              Do you know a child like them? Please e-mail us at amaxingkids@ mail. com and tell us why he or she should be on our radio. Thank you.
              71. What was Gina the winner of?
              The "Young  Cook of the Year" competition. / "Young Cook of the Year". / She was the winter of the "Young Cook of the Year" competition.
              72. Does Gina want to write a children's recipe book? Why?
              Yes, she does./Yes. Beacause she wants to encourage other children to cook. / Yes. Because {she thinks } everyone needs to eat and cooking is a skill that will always be useful. / Yes, because she thinks cooking will be a useful skill for children / kids.
              73...Why is it surprising that Brian is an athlete?
              Because she is able to continue running though he lost part of one leg. / Because he didn't give up running although he is disabled. / Because he lost part of one leg ( in a serious accident three years ago). / Because he is a disabled teenager.
              74. What is Helen's new invention used for?
              (For) telling ear drivers when a train is coming. / It's used for telling ear drivers when a  train is coming.
              75. What do you think the three Amazing Kids are like?
              (I think )they are creative, brave and talented/bard-working/clever/…
              "Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Susie.
              "I   76   a dinner for Mrs Smith next door. "
              "Why?" asked Susie, who was .only six years old.
              "Because M.rs Smith is very sad; ,her daughter  77  in an earthquake and she has a broken heart.We need to look afterher. "

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