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    关于2012衡水英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
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            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2012-3-22

              In Japan, you say “itadakimasu”(“I am going to start”)before eating, and “gochisosam(deshita)”(“Thank you for the meal”)after finishing the meal.
              ◆Eating rules
              Blowing your nose in public, and especially at the table, is considered bad manners.It is considered good manners to eat up all the things in your plate.Unlike in some other parts of East Asia, it is considered bad manner to burp(打嗝).After eating, try to move all your dishes back to the same position they were at the start of the meal.
              ◆Drinking rules
              When drinking alcohol(酒), it is a good manner to serve each other, instead of serving yourself.Check your friends' cups from time to time and refill(重新注学电工技术来阳光)their drinks if their cups are getting empty.If someone wants to serve you more alcohol, you should quickly empty your glass and hold it towards that person.
              While it is considered bad manners to become drunk in some formal restaurants, the same is not true for other small restaurants, as long as you do not trouble other guests.
              Do not start drinking until everybody at the table is served and the glasses are raised for a drinking salute(口号), which usually is “kampai”.
              56.In Japan, you say “itadakimasu” ______.
              A.before eatingB.while eatingC.after eatingD.before drinking
              57.All these are good manners in Japan except ______.
              A.eat up all the things in your plate B.after eating, move all your dishes back
              C.serve alcohol to each otherD.blow your nose in public
              58.From the second paragraph we may know that ______.
              A.in Japan you may burp after eating
              B.in some East Asian countries you may burp after eating
              C.in some West Asian countries you may burp after eating
              D.in the western countries you may burp after eating
              59.If someone wants to serve you more alcohol in Japan, you should______.
              A.serve them quicklyB.refuse it politely
              C.say “That’s enough” D.empty your glass and hold it
              60.Which of the following is the right drinking rule?
              A.When drinking alcohol, it is a good manner to serve yourself.
              B.Check your friends' cups from time to time and refill them if they are empty.
              C.It is considered bad manners to become drunk in all the restaurants.
              D.Start drinking if only one person is not served.
              My name is Katrina.When I was nine years old, I often played on my elder brother's waterbed(水床).He had a lot of coins and I often put them in my mouth and played with them.
              One day, I had one coin in my mouth and the waterbed started moving.As a result, the movement made me choke(噎住)on the coin.I ran into the living room coughing with my hand around my throat.My mom ran towards me.Before she could get to me, I gave one strong cough and swallowed(吞)the coin!
              I let my mom know that I had choked on a coin and swallowed it.So, she called up my elder brother and then I was taken to the hospital.It turned out that the coin was right in my esophagus(食道); it didn't move at all.I had to get doctors to take the coin out.They put me to sleep, put something with a camera down my throat and pulled the coin out.
              Ever since I got out of the hospital, my family and friends have enjoyed calling me “The Human Piggy Bank”.What an embarrassing experience! Now I still have the coin in a pot! Interesting souvenirs!
              61.The accident happened when I played on ______.
              A.my bedB.my elder brother's waterbed
              C.my parents’ bed    D.my little brother's waterbed
              62.I was choke on the coin because ______.
              A.the waterbed started movingB.the waterbed stopped moving
              C.the door started movingD.I was very excited
              63.______ came to help me first.
              A.My motherB.My brother C.My father D.The doctor
              64.According to the passage, which of the following is right?
              A.The story happened when the girl was ten years old.
              B.The strong cough made the girl swallow the coin in the end!
              C.They called the hospital and the doctors took her to hospital.
              D.Her family and friends have enjoyed calling her "Piggy Bank" after that.
              65.What’s the best title of the passage?
              A.A little girl.B.A coin.
              C.Waterbed.D.Embarrassing experience.
              Nowadays, we can know time very easily.Even a little child may know the time.We always ask “What time is it?” Then people can tell me the exact time.But before the invention of clocks, it was very difficult.One way people told the time was by using sundials, but it was impossible to tell the time on cloudy days or at night.
              The first mechanical(计时)clock was invented in China by Su Sung in 1088.The first clock in Europe was invented 195 years later, at the end of the 13th century.And in Britain, 67 years later, the alarm clock was invented in Germany.
              The first watch was invented in Italy in 1462.Early watches were different from today's in two main ways.First, they only had an hour hand.Second, you could not wear them on your wrist.(手腕)You had to keep them in your pocket- that’s why they were called 'pocket clocks'.
              The first wrist watch came from Switzerland 328 years after the first pocket clock, but nobody bought them.They did not become popular for a hundred years.
              Digital clocks and watches came from the United States and are the new popular inventions in time-keeping.Shops all over the world started to sell them in 1971.
              66.The underlined sundials in the first paragraph may mean ______.
              67.The first mechanical(计时)clock was invented ______.
              A.in China  B.in EnglandC.in AmericaD.in Germany
              68.The first watch was invented ______years later than the first mechanical clock.
              A.195B.67 C.328D.374
              69.According to the passage, the first wrist watch ______.
              A.was invented in Italy in 1462
              B.many people liked to buy it
              C.was the same as our watches nowadays
              D.came from Switzerland 328 years after the first pocket clock
              70.This passage may be from a(an)______.
              A.newsB.AdsC.magazineD.math book

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