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    关于2012济宁英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
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            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2012-2-23


              Every day cars kill or hurt many people on roads. Sometimes the drivers drive too fast or do not, drive carefully enough. Some of them   16   traffic rules and cause accidents.
              According to some researchers, it is usually the pedestrians (行人) who cause the accidents. A lot of road users are very   17  . They walk or run across the roads   18   the cars. They walk in the roads but not on the walkways. Some do not take the trouble to   19   the green lights and simply cross the roads against the red lights.
              Many people think accidents often happen in   20   roads in large cities, but this is not always true.   21  , Tokyo is one of the world’s largest cities and probably one of the busiest cities; however, there are   22   accidents to pedestrians. The reason is that the police there are very   23   and the pedestrians are very careful. Pedestrians never cross the roads against a red light and they   24   follow the traffic rules.
              Do you know alcohol (酒精) is another main cause of traffic accidents? It delays (延缓) people’s response. Those who have drunk alcohol are   25   in making decisions. They need a few more seconds to react. Alcohol drinking is especially dangerous for motor car drivers. It is not only drivers who may have accidents after drinking, drunk pedestrians may put their lives in danger as well.
              16. A. make   B. break   C. follow   D. remember
              17. A. tired    B. cheerful   C. careless    D. frightened
              18. A. at the end of B. in the centre of  C. on top of   D. in front of
              19. A. turn on   B. wait for     C. set up    D. look for
              20. A. busy    B. wide     C. clean    D. new
              21. A. In fact   B. By the way   C. For pleD. In other words
              22. A. very few    B. so many    C. only some     D. plenty of
              23. A. kind      B. polite      C. patient  D. strict
              24. A. even  B. never    C. hardly     D. always
              25. A. slow   B. active   C. excited   D. lazysp.hnygpx.net/wz_index.php?
            、电工培训学费多少,理解(共20小题, 每小题2电工培训学校,,学电工技术来阳光电工培训学校,40电工培训学校,)
              Some friends have opposite views and interests, and some like the same things. What is your opinions? Should friends be different or the same? We asked some people what they think and this is what they said.
              I like to have friends who are like me. I’m   quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. There are some differences, though. I’m smarter than Yuan Li. She’s more athletic. James GreenIt’s not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from   me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Larry is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. Also, I’m quieter than he is. Huang LeiI don’t really care. My best friend is Carol. Carol is very funny, and more   outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things. I don’t think differences are important in a friendship. Mary Smith
              26. James Green’s best friend is Yuan Li because she is       .
              A. smart    B. quiet    C. athletic    D. outgoing
              27. From the passage, we know that Huang Lei is        than his friend Larry.
              A. quieter   B. more athletic   C. more outgoing   D. taller
              28. Carol is Mary’s best friends because       .
              A. she is a quiet girl    B. she is funny and outgoing
              C. they both like sports   D. she does the same things as Mary
              29. From the passage, we know that        is / are outgoing.
              A. Yuan Li     B. Larry
              C. Larry and Carol    D. Huang Lei and Mary
              30. Which of the following about Huang Lei is TRUE?
              A. He is an outgoing boy.
              B. He likes to have friends who are quiet.
              C. He is funny, and more athletic than Larry.
              D. He likes to make friends different from him.
              In many countries around the world May 1 is a holiday. Labour Day, or Workers’ Day, is an international holiday that honours working men and women, and the jobs they do.
              During the late 1880s, in many parts of the world, people worked for fourteen to sixteen hours a day in factories, and earned very little money. In the United States and Canada, working people got together to try to make their workplaces better. These groups of people formed unions (团体). The union leaders asked company directors for shorter work days and higher salaries (工资), but many of them refused to accept their ideas.
              On May 1, 1886, men and women in the United States and Canada stopped work and marched through cities and towns to try and force bosses to let them work an eight-hour day. In the city of Chicago, several people died in fights with the police. Over the next few years, people in cities around the world stopped working every May 1 to honour workers everywhere. By the early twentieth century, the first of May was a national holiday in many countries.
              In the United States and Canada, May 1 is not a holiday. North Americans celebrate Labour Day on the first Monday in September. Today in the Unites States, Labour Day is mostly about having fun. People enjoy a long weekend, and often celebrate by having barbecues or picnics with friends or family. In many parts of the Unites States, Labour Day is also the last day of summer vacation, and the students return to school the next day.

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