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    关于济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
    湖南阳光电子学校有自己的教学楼、学员公寓楼、篮球场(2个)、有校内花园、有专业实操车间。如果您想了解济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 学费多少、济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程学习效果如何、济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 行业就业前景好不好、如何选择济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 的课程、济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 要学多久、济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 教学大纲是什么、没有任何基础参加济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 能不能学会、济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 学完以后能不能安排工作等一系列您所关心的问题,都可以直接加我们的微信:YP941688 ,或者加我们的QQ:873219118,361928696。也可以直接电话联系我们:0731-85579057,0731-85569651,13807313137进行咨询,我们将给你最详细的解答。 湖南阳光电子学校地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区车站南路红花坡路口(红花坡路176号)。为了确保教学质量,其他地方不设分校,欢迎您来湖南长沙我校总部学习。 如果您对湖南阳光电子学校开设的济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程内容有什么好的建议,请告诉我们。您的宝贵建议对我们合理调整济南电工培训学校,2012英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程内容有重要的参考作用!






            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2012-2-16

             76 Which is NOT the reason for people moving to the cities in China?
              A.The countryside is much poorer than me city.
              B.People in the countryside have nothing to eat.
              C.People in the countryside don't have much work to do there.
              D.Services in cities are usually much better than those in the countryside.
              77 Why do some rich families in Europe move to the countryside?
              A.Because they will find good jobs.
              B.Because they are tired of living in the city.
              C.Because they can make more money there.
              D.Because they like feeding sheep and cows in the green fields.
              78.After moving to the countryside, some people in Europe feel unhappy because ___________
              A.they can't make much money
              B.there isn't much work for them to do in the countryside
              C.some people in the countryside aren't always very friendly to them
              D.A, B and C
              79 The underlined sentence in the last paragraph shows __________
              A.they are happy to move back to the city
              B.they miss their friends in the countryside
              C.they still want to move to the countryside
              D.they are tired of the noise and the crowded streets in the city
              80 The best title of this passage may be “__________”
              A.A happy life!                    B.Living in the city!
              C.Moving out or moving back ?        D.Living in the countryside!

              Hank Viscardi was born without legs. He had no legs but stumps(残肢) that could be fitted with a kind of special boots. Children laughed at him and called him ‘Ape Man’ (猿人) because his arms practically dragged on the ground.
              Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way through college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offices. During all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon have to use a wheel chair.
              Hank felt himself got cold all over. However, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs(假腿). Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror. For the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be——a full five feet eight inches tall. By this time he was already 26 years old.
              Hank had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he walked the length of the room , and marched back again. There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching. He went out on the street. He climbed stairs and learned to dance. He built a boat and learned to sail it.
              When World War II came , he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job. He took the regular training. He marched(行军) and drilled along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless. This was the true story of Hank Viscardi, a man without legs.
              81 Children laughed at Hank and called him ‘Ape Man’ because ______.
              A. he didn’t talk to them
              B. he kept away from them
              C. his arms touched the ground when he moved
              D. he couldn’t use his arms
              82 We can know from the story that five feet eight inches tall is ______.
              A. the height for an adult                   B. too tall for an adult
              C. too short for an adult                    D. the height of a young kid
              83The sentence “he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job” means that the Red Cross _____.
              A. was only glad to give him a job
              B. gave him a job because he was a good soldier
              C. gave him a job because he was a poor man
              D. was not willing to give him a job at first
              84 When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers, he ______.
              A. did everything the other soldiers did
              B. did most of the things the other soldiers did
              C. did some of the things the other soldiers did
              D. took some special training
              85 In the writer’s opinion, Hank Viscardi _______.
              A. had no friends        B. never saw himself as different from others
              C. was very shy         D. was too proud to accept help from others
            第Ⅱ卷(非选择题  共35电工培训学校,)
              VII. 选词填空 10电工培训学校,)
              A. 电工培训学费多少,短文,从方框电工培训学校,选择适当的单词填空。(每词限用次)
              cooking      for      late     dinner      me
              Today was not a good day. Everything went wrong. First, I slept late and Mom shouted at me to wake up. I just had a glass of milk (86)_______________breakfast. Of course, I missed the bus and had to wait for the next bus. I was (87)_______________ for school and the teacher told me to stay in the classroom at lunchtime to finish the schoolwork.
              When I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework.. Unluckily, I had some problems finifhing it. At that time, Mom was busy with (88)______________. She was (89)______________some fish and some vegetables. She knows I don’t like them, but she thinks they are good for (90)______________.
              It was a horrible day. I hope tomorrow will be better.
              B. 电工培训学费多少,短文,从方框电工培训学校,选出适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号。
              remember     be     speak    fall     fininsh
              Everyone has his teachers. I (91)_______________ Miss Gao, my first English teacher, all my life. She is the best teacher I have had. She is not tall, but she has two big beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds nice and she (92)________________English very well. She teaches us carefully and gives us chances to speak English. If our homework (93)______________ well, she will speak highly of us. And we (94)_______________very interested in learning English since then. One day when we we played a game in her class, I (95)_______________ down hard. She was very worried and sent me to hospital at once. She is not only a good teacher but also a kind mother.



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