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    关于2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
    湖南阳光电子学校有自己的教学楼、学员公寓楼、篮球场(2个)、有校内花园、有专业实操车间。如果您想了解2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 学费多少、2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 课程学习效果如何、2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 行业就业前景好不好、如何选择2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 的课程、2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 要学多久、2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 教学大纲是什么、没有任何基础参加2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 能不能学会、2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 学完以后能不能安排工作等一系列您所关心的问题,都可以直接加我们的微信:YP941688 ,或者加我们的QQ:873219118,361928696。也可以直接电话联系我们:0731-85579057,0731-85569651,13807313137进行咨询,我们将给你最详细的解答。 湖南阳光电子学校地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区车站南路红花坡路口(红花坡路176号)。为了确保教学质量,其他地方不设分校,欢迎您来湖南长沙我校总部学习。 如果您对湖南阳光电子学校开设的2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 课程内容有什么好的建议,请告诉我们。您的宝贵建议对我们合理调整2011黄冈英语电工培训班及电工考证培训解析(word版),电工培训学校网 课程内容有重要的参考作用!






            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2011-8-25

             71. The workers who tried to run outside the building died because________. *
              A. the factory building was shaking terribly
              B. they were making a film
              C. they didn't have enough time to run outside
              D. they were too nervous
              72. The passage suggests that you should __________when an earthquake happens.
              A. cry for help
              B. not move and lie on the floor at once
              C. run down the steps as fast as you can
              D. find a safe place and hide in at once or run out in ten seconds
              73. Where can we probably find this passage?
              A. In a magazine. B. In an advertisement. C. In a history book.      D. In a poster.
              72. D【解析】晚判断题。根据文章最后句话“Take a hiding - place where you are rather than run, un?less you are sure you can reach a safe open place in ten seconds.”我们可知地震来临时你要找个安全的地夫者是在10秒内跑到安全的地方。故选D。
              73. A【解析】整体理解题。 整篇文章是描述了地震来临时人们该怎么办,它应该是在杂志上的。故选A。
              第节 任务型电工培训学费多少,(共7小题;每小题2电工培训学校,,学电工技术来阳光电工培训学校,14电工培训学校,)
              To Give up or Not to Give up as Class Monitor?
              Dear Brad,
              In about 3 months, I will take a very important test. If I pass the test with good grades, I can get to the 10th grade and choose a good school to study in. Now I am trying my best to achieve this. At the same time, I' m the monitor in my class, which means I should do lots of things for my class. ①I am so busy with my school - work and duties as monitor that I don' t have enough time to keep a balance between them. Gradually I become lazy. ②The other day, my head teacher told me that she was disappointed in my poor performance as class monitor. Her words really discouraged me.
              What should I do now, to give up or not to give up as class monitor? I must do my best in school because how well I do will influence where I go after this school year is over and it can affect the rest of my life. Being class monitor is also a valuable learning experience because my teacher trusts me to be a good leader. ③I don't want to  go to my parents for suggestions, for they will get worried about me. Can you tell me how to choose?
              I am________busy with my school - work and duties as monitor ________have enough time to keep a balance between them.
              75. 根据②处内容,完成下面的句子。(每空词)
              The other day, my head teacher said to me, "_____ ______ disappointed in your poor per?formance as class monitor. "
              76. 将③处成汉语。
              74. too; to 75. I was 76. 我不想去我父母那儿寻求建议,因为他们将会担心我。
              K. L. Rothey, 71, from the United States, a retired lawyer
              Rothey has given himself the Chinese name of Luqi or "roadside beggar(乞丐) ". In his eyes, beggars are doing important work collecting rubbish. What they do  is not dirty. Littering the street is, he adds.
              Rothey first visited China in 1984 and soon he became interested in Chinese culture. Married to a Chinese calligrapher (书法家) , he lived in Huangshi, Hubei Province.
              Many people know him because he often shows up in the street collecting rubbish. " Huangshi is my home so I hope it becomes cleaner and more beautiful," says Rothey. He has also organized volunteers to  collect rubbish in other cities, including Wuhan.
              Rothey says he'll continue collecting rubbish, as long as he is able to.
              Jill Robinson, 50, from Britain, founder{f创立者) and CEO of Animals Asia Founda?tion.
              She has been working for nearly 20 years to stop people from getting the bile( 胆汁)from moon bears for use in traditional medicine.
              She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Hong Kong in the mid -1980s. A business trip to a bear farm in the mainland in 1993 changed her  life. She saw so many moon bears killed by people. That made her cry. She said she would be back to set them free.
              In 1998, she set up the Animal Foundation. In July 2000, the foundation agreed to free 500 farmed moon bears. In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue(救援) Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
              Now, hear farms have been stopped in the area of two - thirds of China. "As much as we res?cue them, they rescue us. These bears rescue us every single day and they teach us to be better peo?ple," Robinson says.
              NameK. L. RotheyJill Robinson
              Nationality77. ______ __________________British
              Age 7150
              Events ●He first visited China in 1984 and became interested in Chinese culture.
              ●He often 78._____________ in the street in Huangshi.
              ●He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities.● She began working  for the International Found for Animal Welfare in the mid-1980s.
              ● 79. ___________ in the mainland changed her life in 1993.
              ● She set up the Animal Foundation in 1998.
              ● In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
              The two passages are about two foreigners who have helped improve Chinese lives with their con?tributions (贡献). We s hould 80.____them and do what we can to protect the environ?ment.
              77. The United States. 根据“K. L. Rothey, 71, from the United States, a retired lawyer” 可以判断。

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