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    关于2011上海英语教学质量抽学校题及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
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            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2011-5-24

            C.Choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的电工考证培训)  (共5电工培训学校,)
              Suppose you are 17 and live alone with no money. Years ago, that was my dad. His father died when he was 10, and as the oldest of five, he had to take care of his brothers and sisters. When his mother remarried (改嫁), my dad had to leave home. With few choices, he joined the army, and worked as hard as he could for a job, a nice house, and a family. Having a dad like him has made me different from other people; with his help and advice, I set and meet my goals.
              When I wanted to play basketball, my dad said, “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do.” People thought I was too small to play, but he let me know I could. Looking back now, I know why my dad said this to me: it was something his father and mother never told him.
              Time flew by. It was time for me to look for a job. A department store offered me a job as cart (推车) assistant. For the whole day, I pushed shopping carts. It was so cold that I couldn’t move my hands. But my dad wouldn’t let me give up, even though I wanted to. He kept saying it would get better, and he was right. I’ve worked there for a year now and I do much more than just push carts.
              My dad helped me grow into the person I’m becoming. When I was younger, I was small. The other boys called me “Lil Nicky”. I hated it. I went to my dad for a help. He encouraged me and helped me make an exercise plan and I got to work.
              In my life, there are different roads. My dad helped me get on the one I continue on today. I know I am just at the beginning. There will be difficulties. But there will always be my dad. Even when he is not physically here for me, his words won’t leave my mind.
              50.At the age of _______, my father had to care for his brothers and sisters.
              A. 15 B. 17C. 5 D. 10
              51. My first job, as a cart assistant, was rather _______, so I wanted to give it up.
              A. interesting B. cold C. tiring D. good
              52. The underlined word “Lil” in the fourth paragraph probably means _______.
              A. smart B. smallC. blackD. strong
              53. My father’s words will be on my mind, _______.
              A. so he will die peacefully B. though he has left me
              C. even when he is dead D. when he is not at home
              54. Which of the following is the best topic for the passage?
              A. How Dad helped me in my lifeB. How Dad achieved success
              C. How Dad lived a poor lifeD. How Dad helped me find a job
              D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.  (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填词,首字母已给)   (共14电工培训学校,)
              If you’re traveling to the United States, you’ll need to understand the common way to say hello, a handshake. Friends shake hands. Women, men and even c  55   can shake hands.
              Shaking hands also seems simple, but there are some important things to r  56  . When you shake hands, you must look into the other person’s eyes the whole time you’re shaking hands.
              Shake hands strongly. If you give a weak handshake, the other person might t  57   that you’re sick. They might also feel that you don’t like them or want to touch them. If your handshake is strong e  58  , you should feel the other person’s hand get a little narrower. Shake hands with men and women the same way. If you shake hands with a very old person or a small child, be careful not to hurt them.
              Some people don’t know how long to k  59   shaking. The most common handshake should have three “shakes” and then you should let go. Don’t worry, if Americans shake hands a little longer.
              Your handshake is l  60   your smile. It’s special to you. You need to find a comfortable strong handshake that shows who you are. Because the handshake allows people to touch, the hand should be warm, clean and dry.
              Warm: Put your hands into your pockets b  61   you shake hands. This will warm them.
              Clean: If you know you’re going to meet someone, wash your hands so they’ll be clean.
              Dry: Everyone gets nervous and your hands may get wet. It isn’t a good feeling for the other person. Again, put your hands into your pockets. This will dry them.

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