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    招生对象: 初中生、高中生、大学生、社会青年电子爱好者都可以报名入学。没有文化程度限制,没有年龄限制,没有地域限制。




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    关于开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
    湖南阳光电子学校有自己的教学楼、学员公寓楼、篮球场(2个)、有校内花园、有专业实操车间。如果您想了解开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 学费多少、开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程学习效果如何、开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 行业就业前景好不好、如何选择开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 的课程、开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 要学多久、开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 教学大纲是什么、没有任何基础参加开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 能不能学会、开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 学完以后能不能安排工作等一系列您所关心的问题,都可以直接加我们的微信:YP941688 ,或者加我们的QQ:873219118,361928696。也可以直接电话联系我们:0731-85579057,0731-85569651,13807313137进行咨询,我们将给你最详细的解答。 湖南阳光电子学校地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区车站南路红花坡路口(红花坡路176号)。为了确保教学质量,其他地方不设分校,欢迎您来湖南长沙我校总部学习。 如果您对湖南阳光电子学校开设的开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程内容有什么好的建议,请告诉我们。您的宝贵建议对我们合理调整开封电工培训学校,金明电工培训学校2011年英语模电工培训班及电工考证培训,电工培训学校网 课程内容有重要的参考作用!






            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2011-5-21

              56. If you want to be a        , you can call AL Hotel.
              A. waiter         B. reporter         C. cleaner          D. driver
              57. If you want to work as a reporter, you should call         .
              A. 5564779       B. 7665898        C. 5583366         D. 6338001
              58. How long does Mr. Green need a babysitter to work?
              A. For one day.   B. For two days.   C. For a week.     D. For half a month.
              59. If you work as a cleaner every weekday, and once a day, how much will you be paid
              every week?
              A. $100.      B. $150.       C. $200.       D. $240.
              60. What is NOT mentioned in the ads?
              A. Jobs you can choose from.         B. E—mail addresses.
              C. Telephone numbers.               D. Time when you are supposed to work.
              The nose is important for everyone. It can help a person breathe and smell. In fact,
              it can also be used in many popular expressions.
              Some people can lead other people by the nose. For ple, if a wife leads her
              husband by the nose, she can ask him to do whatever she wants him to do.
              Some people are said to be hard--nosed. They will not change their opinions of anything.
              If some people keep their noses out of other people’s business, they do not interfere
              (     ) in anything that has nothing to do with them. The opposite kind of people are
              those who nose around all the time. They are interested in other people’s personal life.
              If someone works hard, he can keep his nose clean or stay out of trouble. How ever, more problems will be caused if a person looks down his nose at others or some things. He thinks they are unimportant. This kind of person might also turn up his nose at anything that he doesn’t consider good enough. He thinks he is better than anyone else.
              At school, some students thumb their noses at their teacher. They refuse to follow
              what their teacher says or do any work. Of course, it is not right for students to do like
              A. be hard—nosed     B. nose around     C. keep his nose clean
              D. turns up his nose     E. thumb their noses
              61. I don’t want to make friends with David because he always
              62. Maggie likes to talk about others and
              63. My brother used to        , but now he can listen to others’ advice.
              64. Bob and Andy usually        at their parents.
              65. Michael works hard all the time, so he can
              ring,  always,  angry,   neither,   never,   hospital,
              clean,  know,  pay,  dirty,  forget, be
              Mr. White works in a big office. He’s able to deal with all kinds of matters, so he’
              s always   66   more than his workmates. Of course he’s often busy and has no time to
              do the housework. His wife   67   him well and does all at home.
              Bad luck! Their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and had to be in
              68  . Mrs. White was looking after her there and she couldn’t go home. As Mr. White   69  did any cleaning, the rooms were all disorderly (凌乱的).
              Yesterday morning, before Mr. White got up, the telephone   70  . He sat up to
              answer it. His friend told him to write an important telephone number down. But he
              could find   71  a pen nor a piece of paper. Then he found there   72   much dust (灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it. But soon he   73   it and went to work.
              Two hours later his wife came back and looked for a sweater for her daughter. Her husband came back while she was   74   the table. He couldn’t see the number on the table and called out   75  , "Who let you clean the table?"
              M. Can I help you?
              W- Yes, please. 76.       . I want to give her a gift, but I don’t know what to buy.
              M.. Maybe you can buy her some flowers.
              W. Great ! 77.       ?
              M. I think carnations (康乃馨) are OK. They stand for beauty and also show your
              love and respect to your mother.
              W: 78.          ?
              M: Twenty yuan a bunch (束).
              W. OK. 79.       . Here’ s the money.
              M. Happy birthday to your mother!
              W: 80.      .
              暑假快要到了,你们班主任向全班同学发出了“过个有意义的暑假”的倡议。请你以My plan for the summer holidays为题,写篇80词左右的短文,描述自己的假期计划。



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