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    关于2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业电工培训学校,常年开设中级电工实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校实战一线首席老师授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规电工培训学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
    湖南阳光电子学校有自己的教学楼、学员公寓楼、篮球场(2个)、有校内花园、有专业实操车间。如果您想了解2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 学费多少、2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 课程学习效果如何、2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 行业就业前景好不好、如何选择2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 的课程、2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 要学多久、2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 教学大纲是什么、没有任何基础参加2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 能不能学会、2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 学完以后能不能安排工作等一系列您所关心的问题,都可以直接加我们的微信:YP941688 ,或者加我们的QQ:873219118,361928696。也可以直接电话联系我们:0731-85579057,0731-85569651,13807313137进行咨询,我们将给你最详细的解答。 湖南阳光电子学校地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区车站南路红花坡路口(红花坡路176号)。为了确保教学质量,其他地方不设分校,欢迎您来湖南长沙我校总部学习。 如果您对湖南阳光电子学校开设的2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 课程内容有什么好的建议,请告诉我们。您的宝贵建议对我们合理调整2011温州英语模拟电工培训班及电工考证培训(附听力材料),电工培训学校网 课程内容有重要的参考作用!






            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新电工培训班开课时间:2011-5-11

            Ⅶ. 电工培训学费多少,理解(共15小题; 第51—55题每小题1电工培训学校,,第56—65题每小题2电工培训学校,,学电工技术来阳光电工培训学校,25电工培训学校,)电工培训学费多少,下列短文,并做短文后面的电工培训学校,从个选项电工培训学校,,选出能回答所提电工培训学校,或完成所给句子的最佳选项。
              In Singapore,many middle school students spend a lot of their time on their studies. Good cation is often regarded as a ticket to Success in their future.So,many of these students try their best to get a good mark in their inations.They have a lot of homework every day and s are a big headache.Sometimes,some of them are even made to go to remedial(补习的)classes after school.
              Schools run programs outside school hours.The students can take part in sports and games,music and dance,hiking and rock-climbing,etc.They are also very active in community service(社区).
              In their spare time,most students like to listen to pop music.Hollywood blockbusters(大片),Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them.They understand IT very well.Some of them also spend their free time surfing the Internet,e-mailing their friends,playing computer and video games.
              They sometimes go to cafes,fast-food restaurants,shopping centers and big bookstores.
              So,it looks like life as a middle school student in Singapore is not easy but it is rich and colorful.
              51.Many students want to get good cation to be        in the future.
              A.popular    B.successful    C.comfortable D.generous
              52.     go to remedial classes after school in Singapore
              A.A11 of the students    B.Few of the students
              C.Not all the students D.Most of the students
              53.In the school,the students can’t      outside school hours.
              A.have sports      B.dance    C.go hiking D.go to a restaurant
              54.According to the passage,most students in Singapore like      .
              A.Hollywood blockbusters    B.writing to their friends
              C.talking to their friends      D.having s
              55.The meaning of the underlined sentence in the passage is       .
              A.the middle schoo1 students’ life in Singapore is easy
              B.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is amazing
              C.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is boring
              D.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is hard,but it’s interesting
              Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don't agree with them.
              Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources() , we are short of others,  for ple, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal (煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.
              In our everyday life,  we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for ple, turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing,  turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more f ood than we need,  and so on. Little by little,  everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day,  if we do our best.
              56.From the passage we know that some students often ________ in the school.
              A. eat too much    B. don't work hard    C. waste things    D. throw rubbish everywhere
              57.Which is not mentioned in this passage?
              A. Fresh water.        B. Forest. C. Oil.      D. Coal.
              58.What may happen in 100 years?
              A. We may still have enough oil.   B. We may still have enough coal.
              C. We may have a little oil.       D. We may have no coal or oil to use.
              59.Which of the following is right?
              A. Waste brings problems.    B. Waste can bring no problem.
              C. China is rich in fresh water.   D. Students never waste things.
              60.Which is the best title(电工培训学校) of this passage?
              A. Stop Wasting       B. School life
              C. Waste in the School      D. Rich Resources in China
              Edith Cavell was born in a little English village. She was a clever, hard-working girl and did well at school, especially in music and French. After she left school, her first job was to take care of the children of a rich family in Belgium(比利时). The language they spoke was French, so she found that her school studies were useful. She could understand them easily, at the same time she taught the children to speak English and play the piano.
              After hearing that her father was seriously ill, Edith returned home to look after him. She then decided to become a nurse. Afterwards for five years she worked in an English hospital where she proved to be highly professional at her job. A Belgian doctor was so impressed that he invited her to his country to organize a training school for nurses. The First World War b roke out in 1914 and Edith Cavell’s school of nursing became a hospital. She stayed there to look after the sick and wounded soldiers (伤员). Edith treated them with kindness. Between November 1914 and August 1915 she secretly helped about 200 wounded soldiers and prisoners (囚犯) escape from the Germans. Later the German army found out what Edith had done and they arrested her. Finally, the Germans killed her, but  they could not kill her memory. A tall statue(雕塑)has been built in Trafalgar Square, London, in honor(纪念)of the brave English nurse.
              61.Edith Cavell was from __________.
              A. France      B. England      C. Belgium    D. Germany
              62.Edith Cavell’s first job was to __________.
              A. teach French            B. look after the children of a rich family
              C. teach English            D. look after the sick and wounded soldiers
              63.Why did Edith return home from Belgium?
              A. Because she found work in an English hospital.
              B. Because she organized a training school for nurses.
              C. Because the First World War broke out.        D. Because her father was seriously ill.
              64.What’s the Chinese meaning of “kill her memory” in this passage?
              A. 杀死她   B. 使她失去记忆   C. 抹去对她的记忆   D. 摧残她
              65. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
              A. Edith was good at music and German at school.
              B. Edith was a highly professional doctor.
              C. Edith was invited to her country to organize a training school for nurses.
              D. People have built a tall statue in honor of Edith.


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